Zucchini Pasta With Creamy Avocado Pesto

Zucchini Pasta With Creamy Avocado Pesto

2-3 zucchini, spiralized or cut into ¼ inch wide strips
1 avocado, ripe
1 clove garlic
½ cup fresh basil leaves
1 Tbsp lemon juice
2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Water as needed
Salt and pepper to taste
In a food processor, blend avocado, garlic, basil leaves and lemon juice until smooth, then mix in extra virgin olive oil. Add water, 1 Tbsp at a time, until sauce reaches a fluid yet thick consistency. Add a dash of salt and pepper to taste. Saute zoodles on stove over medium/high heat until slightly soft and bright green. Drain excess water. In large bowl, toss zoodles with sauce, then top with parmesan cheese. You made not need all of the sauce, so add it until you’ve reached your liking. Also great topped with grilled chicken breast!
161 calories, 6 g carbs, 17 g fat, 2 g protein, 11 mg sodium (per 1 ½ cup zoodles with sauce)

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