Workout exercise equipment


The best gym is the one where you exercise every day! If you are not an professional athlete but you want to be one in future, take a look on our list of professional home exercises equipment and start your journey today!

Don’t trust TV commercials about magic stuff, nothing is doing by it self. You need to work out! Here is the list of gear you need to have in order to build your perfect, home gym!


 Doorway Pull-Up Bars

A Pull-up bar is an essential piece of equipment for guys who are trying to add muscle mass. Chin-ups and pull-ups are the best functional biceps and upper-back workouts for novices. Pull-ups not only strengthen the back, they balance bench presses and guard against shoulder problems. Check our workouts plans for pull-up plan!


 Which one is best?

They’re all basically the same, except for some bells and whistles. Some offer a range of different hand placements. Others come with straps so you can use them for hanging leg raises and other abdominal workouts.

My advice is to let price be your guide.

Do they harm your doorway?

Under normal use, they won’t mark up your doorframe at all. They’re padded in all the right places.


 Doorway tension pullup bars

Tension pullup bars press against the inside of the doorjams, holding the bar in place.

When you use a tension pull-up bar, you not only run the risk of injury when the bar slips out of the doorframe, but you put some pressure on the structural elements surrounding your door. Modern manufacturers include some hardware which holds the tension bar in place, but installing this hardware prevents you from closing the door. Tension pull-up bars are best used only if you have a sturdy doorway set in masonry without a door, and then, only if the dimensions of the opening are so unusual as to make a typical doorway pull-up bar (like the ones above) unusable.

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You can do anything with them. Workout every single part of your body. Depends on your imagination. Check our workouts section for great workout plants with dumbbells!

Cost: 40-1000$



Running is one of the fastest ways to lose weight. So get your self one, and do it!




 Cost: Above 500$
Look for York and Kettler. 

Combat Rope



Combat rope takes your workout to the ultimate level of strength and endurance training. This durable cotton/nylon rope uses natural, functional movements to ensure great core conditioning and provide a super cardio conditioning workout without the stress of joint impact. This challenging workout will increase your aerobic and anaerobic capacity and functional core strength.

This form of training was, at first, the best kept secret of MMA/Combat athletes. From there, more and more coaches started seeing how amazing this form of conditioning can be, and they became prevalent in shows like the Biggest Loser, as well as many gyms across the world. The claim is pretty substantial, too. Taking your conditioning to a whole new level, muscular endurance in the shoulders/upper back, and the ability to effectively condition without taking the muscles in the legs. And yet, these simple battling ropes live up to the hype!

At Edge, we use ropes to for battling, X-band slams, and coordination. We also use them for climbs as a break from traditional chins/pull ups, and to create more shoulder/scapular stability.
We use ropes for rows to increase thickness in forearms and biceps.

We use ropes for grip and coordination competitions (two 8ft pieces go a LONG way in making training more fun/effective).

And we use them for athletes who have the unfortunate problem of being forced to over condition for their sport, to spare his/her leg’s recovery.

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Cost: above 100$



Swiss Ball

Think of a Swiss ball as the opposite of solid ground—a soft, unstable surface that challenges your core and helps you improve your balance and coordination. It’s also an excellent substitute for a bench in exercises like the chest press and the pullover, as long as your goal is to build coordination and stability rather than raw power and strength. Used alone, it’s just about the best tool you can own for sculpting a six-pack.

Best Exercise

Swiss Ball Jackknife



Assume a pushup position with your arms straight and your shins on a Swiss ball. Your body should form a straight line from your ankles to your head. This is the starting position. Without changing your lower-back posture, roll the ball toward your chest by pulling it forward with your feet. Pause, then lower your hips and roll it back to the starting position. That’s 1 rep. Do 3 sets of 8 to 10.

 Cost: around 20$


Resistance Band

How can a giant rubber band help you build muscle? Simple: Unlike a barbell or dumbbell, it provides constant tension throughout a lifting movement, increasing the intensity of the exercise and the challenge to your muscles. It’s not the best way to add tons of bulk (free weights are still tops for that), but it’s a fast, efficient way to gain real-world strength.

Best Exercise
Band Overhead Reverse Lunge




Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, loop the band under your left foot, and press it overhead until your arms are straight. That’s the starting position. Keep the band pressed overhead as you lunge backward with your right leg until your front knee is bent 90 degrees and your back knee is an inch or two off the floor. Return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 12 reps, switching legs halfway through each set.

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Cost: around 40$


This Russian import looks like a cannonball with a handle, but that ungainly design is exactly why it’s so effective. Unlike a dumbbell, a kettlebell’s center of gravity shifts during an exercise, increasing the challenge and building coordination. And because it’s intended for total-body moves, it adds a cardio element to what is already an intense strength workout.

Best Exercise
Single-Arm Kettlebell Swing




Grab a kettlebell using an overhand grip and hold it with one hand, arm extended, at waist height. Set your feet slightly beyond shoulder width. Now swing the bell between your legs. Keeping your arm straight, thrust your hips forward, straighten your knees, and swing the bell up to chest level as you rise to a standing position. That’s 1 rep. Do 3 sets of 20 to 30, switching hands halfway through each set.

Cost: 45-55$


Suspension Trainer
Want to instantly make any exercise more difficult? Take it off terra firma. By adding an element of instability to your workout, a suspension trainer increases the challenge to your core and stabilizer muscles. The greater the challenge, the greater your gains. It’s also one of the most portable items on our list; as long as you have access to a sturdy anchor point—a door or a tree limb, for example—you have everything you need for a workout.

Best Exercise
Inverted Row



Hang from the handles with your hands positioned above your shoulders, arms straight. Your body should form a straight line from your ankles to your head. Initiate the movement by pulling your shoulder blades back, and then continue the pull with your arms until your chest reaches the handles. Pause, and slowly lower your body back to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps.

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