Sweet Ginger Garlic Chicken

Sweet Ginger Garlic Chicken

Spice mix:
1 tbs Ginger (fresh is best)
1 tbs Toasted Sesame Seeds
1 tsp Sea Salt
1 tsp Unrefined sweetener
4 cloves garlic
1 Red bell pepper (diced small)
2 tbs Toasted coconut
3 tbs Coconut Aminos/low-sod Soy Sauce
1/2 an Onion
1 tbs Spicy Sesame Oil
1 lb Chicken Tenderloins
Olive Oil
Combine spice rub and mix well. Add all produce ingredients to a blender and pulse until smooth with a little texture; combine with spice mix. Base chicken tenders with sauce and let marinate a minimum of 2 hours (best overnight). Grill in 1 tsp olive oil, turning once to achieve a beautiful sear. Enjoy with steamed broccoli and brown rice!!

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