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If you are looking for fast weight gain then you will probably find that the dieter’s worst enemy — the evil carbohydrate — can actually be the skinny person’s best friend. In fact, people looking for ways to gain weight fast can finally find victory by taking another look at how they consume carbohydrates and add them to their mass building diet.

For the average person, carbohydrates help to prevent muscle from becoming broken down and robbed of its energy resources. This is actually an even bigger concern for those that have a skinny ectomorph body style. There is a lot of hard work that goes into gaining weight therefore the last thing that you want to do is to see the muscle mass that you have built being drastically affected due to an inappropriate level of carbohydrates.

The primary key to achieving fast weight gain using carbohydrates is to understand the different types of carbohydrates and the best time to consume them. When you focus on low-glycemic carbohydrates, commonly referred to as complex carbohydrates, such as sweet potato, brown rice and whole grain breads, the digest slower in the body and therefore they provide you with energy all during the day.

However there are other types of carbohydrates that are often seen as harmful, but these can actually be very useful for people that are looking to gain weight fast. These carbohydrates are commonly referred to as simple, or high glycemic carbs, and are found in foods such as white potatoes, white breads, white sugar and also white rice. These carbohydrates tend to break down rather quickly within the body and they tend to cause a rapid release of sugar into the blood. This rapid release of sugar into the blood then triggers a rise in the level of the hormone known as insulin. This has a dramatic effect on weight gain.

Insulin would normally cause you to gain weight in the form of fat if you consume the high glycemic products at the wrong times. It is very important to consume the high glycemic foods at the correct times, as this will prevent you gaining the wrong type of weight and it will actually help you to gain lean muscle tissue. There are some tips that are good to consider when aiming for fast weight gain.

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Carb Tip #1 For Fast Weight Gain: Go “Simple” After Your Workouts.

The first tip to consider is to consume high glycemic meals straight after a workout. When you are training intensely you tend to use up stored sugar in your muscles and therefore if you want to gain weight fast you will have to restore it fairly quickly. If the sugar is not replaced quickly, muscle tissue will be used for fuel rather than seeing it built up as a result of your training.

Carb Tip #2 For Fast Weight Gain: Consume high-glycemic carbs again an HOUR past your workouts.

The second tip that should be considered for fast weight gain is to consume more high glycemic foods about an hour after your workout. This is very powerful, especially for skinny people that are looking to gain weight. These people can afford a bigger increase in their insulin level, as this will help with weight gain. Consuming high glycemic foods will help to overcome their naturally high metabolism, and keep their anabolic hormones at a high level at the time when it can work best to build lean muscle mass.

Carb Tip #3 For Fast Weight Gain: Take advantage of carbs DURING your workout.

Another great tip to consider when gaining weight fast is to consume a drink that has a high sugar level during your workout. Because your workouts will drain your muscles of stored sugar for fuel, carb intake during your workout will block this muscle-wasting process and jumpstart recovery. This will help you to build more lean muscle and accomplish your goal of fast weight gain.

There are a vast number of people that consider the words “weight gain” as dirty words, and this is especially the case for skinny hardgainers who tend to find it very hard to build muscle mass. For these people, building muscle mass is a moving target which tends to feel like it keeps getting further away. One of the most confusing things about gaining weight is knowing the best weight gain diet. Perhaps most confusing of all is the increasing amount of conflicting information on the role that protein plays within the diet and also within gaining weight.

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Over recent years there has been research carried out that has shown that even advanced athletes need less protein than previously assumed. The old tale about protein was that you required between one and two grams of protein for each pound of body weight. There have even been some experts that have claimed that people should consume about five grams of protein. This is a big mistake, and here’s why…

There are a few common mistakes that tend to be made when it comes to gaining weight. The first mistake that you should avoid is to use your current body weight in the calculations of how much protein you should consume. The only weight that should be considered is the lean body mass, and this is because it is only important to maintain the muscles. Body fat does not actually require protein therefore it is merely adding to the figures.

Large quantities of protein are even more useless for hardgainers, and this is because they require less protein for maintenance. Any extra protein that is consumed will probably be excreted as waste by the body and this will in no way help with your goal of weight gain.

Another thing to consider about protein when working on gaining weight is that protein is the most thermic of all the different nutrients. Any food items that you consume will require calories to be burned in order to digest it so that the body can use your food as fuel. Out of all the nutrients, protein requires the highest number of calories and this is why consuming too much will merely add another obstacle to the weight gain process.

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There are a few very useful tips that can be considered when aiming to gain weight, and most of these relate to protein.

Protein For Weight Gain — Tip #1: Don’t overdo the protein.

The first tip that you should consider is that it is important to avoid an excessive intake of protein. Consuming a massive amount of protein will actually work against the goal of weight gain. The body will excrete most of the excess protein from the body as waste as most of it will. It is very important to use your lean body mass when calculating how much protein you should consume.

Protein For Weight Gain — Tip #2: Focus on protein “portions”.

When you are working out how much protein to consume it is best to look at it in terms of serving sizes of protein as opposed to grams. Trying to count the grams of protein can actually be very off putting, and it can lead to you losing the battle to gain weight. A serving size of protein should be about the size of the palm of your hand. This is another very good rule that should be applied to your diet whilst working to gain weight.

Protein For Weight Gain — Tip #3: Be safe and drink lots of water

The third tip that you should consider with regards to protein when aiming to gain weight is that you should consume a liberal amount of water. An excessive consumption of protein can cause the body stress, and this is particularly the case for the kidneys. It is very important to combat the stress that is put on the body, and therefore one of the best ways to do this is to consume lots of water. The large amount of water can reduce the side effects that protein may have on the kidneys.

by get-rippedd

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