3 chicken breasts
1/3 cup sun dried tomatoes
1 tsp. sun dried tomato paste
1/2 roasted red pepper
Ricotta cheese
Fresh: basil, rosemary, thyme, chive, parsley (chopped)
3/4 cup uncooked brown rice
1 1/2 cup water
Seasoning of choice
Begin by boiling rice in water for about 40 minutes. Follow packaging directions. Flatten chicken breasts to 1/2in thickness and then season with seasoning. Preheat oven to 375F. In a blender, blend the tomatoes, paste and peppers until smooth. Chop thyme and parsley and add to spread. Spread on one side of chicken breast. Add ricotta and basil. Roll the chicken and skewer them with a tooth pick to hold in place. Place on a baking sheet lightly greased and pop in the oven for 25-30 min. When rice is cooked add chopped rosemary and chives. Mix well and add salt and pepper to taste. Plate with rice first and too with chicken. Enjoy this healthy and very delicious meal!
Stuffed Baked Chicken Roll-Up

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