Increase of loads


There are four basic methods by which you can progressively increase the training intensity. These methods should be used only after you finish doing the exercises and programs of the first three complexes, and you will have behind six months of hard basic training.
1.  Increasing the weights of shells used in each exercise.

2. Increasing the number of repetitions with chosen weights for each exercise.

3. Saving weight of shells, the number of sets and repetitions for each exercise, but the reduction of the duration of pauses for rest between sets.

4. Increasing the number of sets for each exercise.
In modern practice the third method is usually used by the champions who are preparing for the competitions or those who seek to make their own relief muscles.  All other time the athletes combine an increase of weights with number of sets and reps for the progressive intensification of their workouts.
If you use my training programs, described below, then look at the recommended limits in the number of repetitions for each exercise (eg, 8-10). In this case, the first number is the lower limit of the recommended number of repetitions, while the second number indicates the upper limit.
To increase progressively the intensity of the workouts, it`s better to start with the lower recommended limit of repetitions, then at the next workout, if you can do it without damage to movements style, add to that number one repetition, until you reach the upper recommended limit.
Then add to the bar more 1.25-2.5 kg for the exercises that develop upper body, and 4,5-9 kg for the exercises that developl eg muscles. Again, start doing the lower recommended number of repetitions in order to reach the upper recommended number.
We`ll suppose that you have to do 8-12 reps during the bench press barbell from chest while standing.
When you have to run more than one set, this is usually a normal practice, it is necessary to perform all the required sets and reps before moving on to the next exercise. You should also reach the upper recommended number of repetitions in all recommended sets before increasing the weight of the barbell.
Here is an example of how is made the load capacity when you perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps in the bench press barbell:
Due to an intentional increase of load weight at the workouts you will steadily develop strength and muscle mass. So, Corinna Everson, the winner of the competition for the title of “Miss Olympia” in the weight category 65 kg, squeezes, lying on a bench, a barbell with weight equal to its own, 17 times in a row! ”
Well, one can only marvel at Corinne, who was doing this at a workout:
The mere enumeration of sports titles, Corey takes two-thirds of the page. But here is the fact that she (born in 1958, by the way) have successfully co-starred in several movies, maybe not everybody knows that. Here are the films: 1986, ” The Morning After »; 1991 “Double Impact», the one with Van Damme, 1994 “Natural Born Killers»; 1995 ” Ballistics »; 1996″ Felony »…  Corinna Everson appeared at least in a dozen television series
Naturally, that so lucky and energetic woman succeedrd in business. Her website has stores where you can buy food and sport equipment for dealing with fitness and bodybuilding.
An author made this slight digression because she wants to remind you again: Joe Weider is not bad advicer.
Meanwhile, many eaters of chicken breasts and pork chops with the cakes at night, starting to train Vader `s system in a couple of months they say on internet forums: “It is only time wasting!  The system doesn`t work! ”
What can I say? Let`s suppose that a driver starts the engine of his car . Hmm …Does not start. Another attempt – the same result, or rather lack of it. An experienced driver who knows how an engine is working , will solve a peoblenm in 5 minutes. A novice in half an hour will continue running a faulty motor.

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