Excuses Will Not Get You Fit. Commitment Will.


Excuses. We all make them from time to time. But when it comes to your workout? Most of them are just reasons NOT to achieve your goals.

“I don’t have the time.”

Do you have time to brush your teeth? Then you have time to do some squats. Do you have time to go to work? Then you have time to park a little farther away or take a few flights of stairs. Do you have time to watch television? Then you have time to do pushups, crunches and planks during commercials. 30 minutes a day is really not that much when you think about it – and it doesn’t have to all be done at one time.

“I’m too embarrassed to be seen working out,” or “I need to lose some weight first.”

Invest in a couple of good DVDs, and work out at home, behind closed doors, if it makes you feel more comfortable. Once you gain a little more confidence, you won’t care what people think. Trust me, in a gym, most people care more about what they are doing than what you are doing … and who cares what you look like in your own home? As for needing to lose weight first? Exercise is a huge part of the weight loss equation. You not likely to lose any weight if you don’t start somewhere.

“I have no clue where to start.”

That’s why health clubs employ personal trainers and group fitness instructors. They are there to help you – many gyms offer a complimentary personal training session with your membership, and often classes are included, too. If you don’t know where to start, don’t be afraid to ask. We’re here to help you succeed!

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“Exercise is boring.”

If exercise is boring, you haven’t found the right exercise for you. There are so many great options out there – walking, running, yoga, Pilates, cycling, classes … the list goes on and on. One of the most important factors in a workout program is finding something you enjoy, because that is the only way you are going to stick with it. And mix things up! I never do the same thing more than twice in one week if I can help it – it keeps my workouts from getting stale, and different workouts (cross training) confuse the body, meaning you’ll continue seeing results and lessen your risk of overuse injury.

“I’ve never been athletic or coordinated.”

Guess what? I once thought the same thing. Turns out, I was wrong (although I do throw like a girl). You’ve been walking since you were a year old, and you most likely had a bike as a child … which throws walking and biking off of your “can’t” list. Don’t be afraid to try something new – you just may end up being good at it. And if not? Refer to point #2 – if you’re enjoying it, who cares what you look like? Trust me, totally uncoordinated people do take group fitness classes. You may think they may look ridiculous, but they don’t care, and they ROCK IT – to which I say, good for them!


So stop making excuses, and start making an investment in your health. Remember, you get out what you put in – and if that’s no effort, you’ll see no results!

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