Carotene. Vitamins A and C


Almost one of us have heard of beta-carotene, but it is – only one of the 300 vitamin-like substances called carotenes. These unique substances do a lot of functions in the body, including an activity increase of pro-vitamin A and antioxidants.
Of all the carotene beta-carotene is the most predisposed to turn into vitamin A in the body. In spite of the fact that recently has appeared not too good reviews in the press on this subject, I believe that this method is the most effective and safe to fill replenish the body’s needs in this vitamin. Beta-carotene is not toxic, is converted into vitamin A only if there is not enough of it in the body, besides its activity as an antioxidant is higher than in pure vitamin A. In order to avoid any possible side effects caused by the fed of beta-carotene, I recommend to combine it with the megadoses taking of vitamin C (1 gram), E (400 IU) and selenium (100 micrograms).
As for the properties of carotenes as antioxidants, a lycopene  (rather poorly studied carotene, founded in tomatoes and palm oil) has demonstrated the highest activity in this regard. The importance of these vitamins can be compared with such thing as clothes for the newborn. Life without it is impossible for a child , the same role do these vitamins.
I think the best source of different types of carotenes, including beta-carotene and lycopene is a palm oil extract. Do not worry about the fact that there are saturated fats in it, they can be almost completely removed during manufacture.
Though in fact it is impossible to getr an overdose of beta carotene, you can feel only one side effect, if you use it too much. Taking massive doses about a gram will make your skin orange, so you become like a tremendous pumpkin. This is because fat-soluble carotenoids have in the original bright orange color, begin to concentrate in the fatty layer under the skin. There is no harm of it. The only problem is to find a shirt that would not tough your body.
Dosing: Approximately 120 mg per day of beta-carotene is even a lot. A use of carotene would be an alternative – an extract of palm oil -1 gram a day.

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Vitamin A
Among other nutritional supplements, vitamin A has never been a favorite for me. But now, with the popularity of beta-carotene, vitamin A is taken as an absolute. Nevertheless, we should recognize that beta-carotene can not synthesize vitamin A, which necessary for the life of the organism. Therefore, in some situations it would be quite nice to take extra vitamin A. At the same time I want to warn you that even massive doses of vitamin A will not give any significant amounts of muscle growth and endurance.
Perhaps, the only situation in which you require vitamin A, is the fight against acne (akie). Short megadoses taking of vitamin A (from 300 000 to 500 000 ME) for many years has been successfully used to combat acne. It seems that vitamin A helps to inhibit acne, blocking the synthesis of a certain kind of proteins that clog the pores of your skin. The problem is that megadoses of vitamin A are highly toxic and damage the liver. Some scientists propose as an alternative a combination of the lower doses of vitamin A (30000ME) with vitamin E and zinc citrate. This method of treatment is safer and more efficient. As vitamin E and zinc citrate enhance the action of vitamin A and  vitamin A is needed in much smaller quantities, toxicity is reducing.
In addition to fighting with acne, vitamin A is also used as the basis for the manufacture of various skin creams. Alsoit is worth say that vitamin A displays some antiviral activity. With it you can even prevent a cold.
Dosing: To keep the level of vitamin A at a stable level, I recommend you to take daily 120 mg of beta-carotene. If you feel that you have a cold, try taking 50 000 – 75 000ME of pure vitamin a day during 3-4 days.  In order to controll the development of acne, take 30 000 ME of vitamin A plus 800 ME of vitamin E and 40 mg of zinc citrate.

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Vitamin C
Vitamin C has many positive biological properties, many of which are confirmed by the clinical studies. A list of these positive qualities, we can start with the fact that vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and immune system hardener and finish with fact that it has a prominent role in the synthesis of tissue tendons and ligaments. It has been documented that vitamin C reduces the production of cortisol by the body, changing the ratio of testosterone – cortisol in favor of the latter. All this is very important for us as bodybuilders.

I recommend all the heavily training athletes to take daily at least 3 grams of vitamin C, but there may be situations when this dose can be doubled or even tripled. One of these situations is dieting with a severe restriction of the caloric intake. The fact is that when we train hard and are on a strict diet, your body is in a catabolic state. In this state, the organism not only increases a production of the free radicals, reduces its own defense in front of antioxidants, but also increases the release of vitamin C. This combination of reactions can lead to muscle loss and a feeling of pain, which feel the bodybuilders, sitting on the “drying”. To resist such a catabolic and immunosuppressive effects, I propose to take from 6 to 8 grams of vitamin C per day. Take it in portions of 1-2 grams a day with meals for better absorption. Buy a product containing vitamin C, do not chase after the most expensive.
Research has shown that is still nothing better for our body than a plain old ascorbic acid (this is  the chemical name of vitamin C).
Dosing: In good health or having a slight stress, take 3 grams of vitamin C per day. If you’re on a strict diet or feel a cold, increase to 5-8 grams.

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