Carbohydrates are very important for energy to fuel workouts. Muscle contractions in a weight training workout uses stored muscle carbohydrate called glycogen. Excess carbohydrates will lead to excess inches on the waistline. However, people with fast metabolism whose goal is weight gain can “overindulge” in the right carbohydrates. That is why high-carbohydrate mass gain shakes are generally recommended to people with fast metabolism. By overindulge I do not mean eating a ton of pasta, burgers and soft drinks. The key is the get the right carbohydrates, even if you are a hardgainer with fast metabolism who wants to gain weight.”It is also crucial to know the type of carbohydrates that you should eat and at what time” Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and are released into the blood stream. The speed at which this process occurs varies drastically with different carbohydrates. That is why carbohydrate and carbohydrate-containing foods have been assigned a Glycemic Index (GI) rating, a measure at how fast glucose from these sources enters the blood stream.High Glycemic Carbohydrates produce a quick rush of glucose into the blood stream, elevating blood sugar levels drastically. This sudden rise triggers the release of the hormone insulin which takes glucose out of the blood stream for storage into muscles. Insulin also triggers the storage of fatty acids in fat storage tissues (adipose tissue). High Glycemic carbohydrates are generally “bad” but it is useful to the bodybuilder when consumed at the right time.

a. FIRST THING IN THE MORNING along with your whey protein shake. Levels of the catabolic hormone Cortisol are relatively high in the morning after an overnight “fast” and you want to blunt it as soon as possible. Insulin can blunt the release of cortisol and this spike in insulin is achieved by high GI carbohydrates.

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b. IMMEDIATELY POST WORKOUT. You need the insulin spike to drive glucose and amino acids into muscles for glycogen replenishment and muscle recovery. There is a 45-60min anabolic window of opportunity postworkout during which the rate of glycogen resynthesis is the maximum. Bodybuilders generally consume Dextrose (Glucose) in their postworkout shake to maximise recovery. Lately there has been a craze for other carbohydrates like Vitargo and Waxy Maize which claim to be faster absorbing than dextrose. Do not get carried away by this. IFBB Pro Marius Dohne from South Africa one day told me that he relies on whey and Dextrose postworkout. So think and drink Gluco-B!

also known as Complex Carbohydates, provide more stable energy levels and a slower insulin response, favouring productive workouts through sustained energy. You should aim to consume most of your carbohydrates from Low GI sources. Bodybuilders prefer sources like oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potato, maize and mixed vegetables for their Low GI carbohydrates. It is very important to have complex carbohydrates instead of high GI ones in the pre-workout meal for sustained energy.

Note: Low GI carbohydrates rate 70 and below in the Glycemic Index rating.

 by Vic Veeraj Goyaram (africanmuscle)

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