2 cups yellow and red cherry tomatoes
2 zucchini, spiralized
4 ounces whole wheat spaghetti
Parmesan for topping
Avocado Sauce:
1 avocado
¼ cup olive oil
½ teaspoon salt
½ cup fresh flat leaf parsley
3-4 green onions (green parts)
1 garlic clove
juice of 1 lemon
freshly ground pepper to taste
Pulse all sauce ingredients together until smooth. Set aside. Cook spaghetti according to package directions. Drain and set aside. Heat the cherry tomatoes in a large skillet over medium high heat with a very quick drizzle of olive oil. Gently shake the pan to get them moving (you might want to grab a lid for this – they really start to spatter when the juices hit the hot oil). Continue cooking until tomatoes are roasty-looking and the skins are split or loosened. Remove from heat and set aside. Add the zucchini to the same pan and toss for 1-2 minutes, until tender-crisp. Add the spaghetti and the avocado sauce. Toss until combined. Season with salt and pepper, top with reserved tomatoes and Parmesan if you like that sort of thing. Serve immediately.
Burst Tomato and Zucchini Spaghetti with Avocado Sauce

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