Benefits Of Cheat Meals


Being on a diet can be really tough, especially when you are trying to lose those last few pounds, or get into contest shape. Being in a caloric deficit can take its toll on your mind and body and thats where cheat meals come in.

Here are the benefits of cheat meals: 

Psychological Relief

Sticking to a diet for a long period of time can be mentally tough, it requires a significant amount of will power and discipline. Having a cheat meal once or twice a week will help relieve stress and help you stay on track with your diet.


Cheat meals can be effectively used as a reward tool. If you managed to stay on track with your diet Monday through Saturday, you should reward yourself by having a cheat meal on sunday. The cheat meal at the end of the week will motivate you to eat right throughout the week and vice versa, if you don’t manage to eat clean through the week, don’t indulge in a cheat meal.

Increases Metabolism

The human body is very smart and it will soon realize that it’s in a calorie deficit. While in a calorie deficit for an extended period of time, your body will slow its metabolic rate to conserve energy. This affects lean dieters the most (sub 10% body fat). Having a cheat meal once or twice a week will shock the system and your body will ignite it’s metabolism. A cheat meal will assure your body that it’s not in starvation mode.

Replenishes Glycogen Stores

Most dieters drop their carbs significantly, in combination with cardio and weight training results in low glycogen stores. This leads to poor workout performance, mental fogginess and dizziness. Having a cheat meal high in carbohydrates once or twice a week will adequately replenishes glycogen stores for the week to come.


The Social Factor

As we all know eating out while on a diet is a big no. Having one day out of the week where you can go out with your friends or family is a nice way to use a cheat meal. You can have a social life while still losing weight.

by extremebodyfit

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