Frequency of workouts


Many beginners do not even think that the growth of “mass” consists of two equally important elements: action and inaction, workouts and rest. By itself, workout leads only a mechanism to an action, and muscles are growing when you rest. If, of course, this rest is enough for you. And now we come to the key point. How to find out how much time of the rest is required between the two workouts “to complete failure of the muscles”?
It is clear that after the workout  you feel  yourself differently than before it. You’re squeezed. And this is not the normal tiredness. This is a complete physical devastation. It is quite understandable phenomenon: because you spent a significant part of biochemical resources or, in other words, the resilience of the body. In short, you are like a car that has been run out of fuel.
And the first thing your body is doing after the workout, this is not the construction of the muscle blocks. He will carefully eliminate the deficit of “fuel”, i.e. and will try to fill up the biochemical resources. Moreover, the recovery process will not last five minutes. A full recovery may take several days. And only after that, will start the growing of the very coveted mountain of muscle, it will be the a process of overcompensation. And remember: if you go back to the gym before a full recovery, there will  be no growth!
The recovery process may last a week. Hardly you need a proof. Each bodybuilder would have felt himself still tired on Monday morning, if on Friday afternoon he had had an intense workout.
Here’s a typical situation. On Thursday, you went to bed early, expecting to have a serious workout on Friday. You had a good breakfast In the morning and went to the gym in the afternoon. You are in a good mood. You are full of energy. Workout had a real success. Even exceeded all expectations. You had not just squat with a weight of 2.5 kg heavier than in the previous time, but you “extended” a set of three repetitions. You went extremely tired from the gym, but happy. You decided to have a good rest at the weekend and not to train. You were sure that by Monday, you would fully recuperate and be ready for a new  “powerful” workout. But Monday comes, and your tiredness has not passed.
What does it mean? Three days for recovery was not enough, you had not compensated a deficiency of biochemical resources. And if on Monday you go to the gym, then you`ll make a big mistake. In this state, the qualitative results wouldl not be achieved, moreover, you could seriously hurt yourself. But you woke up fresh and alert on Tuesday morning. Tiredness had gone. The energy is not swinging in you yet, but you feel the forces are restored. But having come to the gym, you will not get an uncontrollable desire to train. And your strength will be exactly the same as a week ago, before the last successful workout. You willy-nilly will go back to the previous weight. Because this workout is also a mistake! A new stressful “strain” interferes the “started” growth of mass!

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Now we can suppose that you refused to practice on Tuesday. You’re not just recovered on Wednesday morning: you are full of energy and you`re craving to have a workout. To the great joy, you feel you can increase the weight by 1 kg, and add to the set  1-2 reps. What more could you wish now?
But do not rush! You have not read the book to the end and you do not even suspect that the workout on Wednesday is also a mistake! But why? – you`ll ask. But the fact is that by Wensday your body had just completed the recovery process. But it does not use all the features of growth! Wait another day and you’ll be able to make your weight heavier by 2.5 kg and more! Are your sets  will “grow” by 4-5 reps!
Bythe way, today are very popular exercise in the woods in Europe, out-of-doors, surely it is more of cardiotraining. In order not to get lost in the woods, bodybuilders and athletes use instruments for gps-navigation or repeater gsm during their jogging. These are the manners of the European athletes.

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