Top Eight Foods to Supercharge Your Weight Gaining Effort

Top Eight Foods to Supercharge Your Weight Gaining Effort

If you have been dreaming to gain more weight in order to achieve a muscular body, you should put more importance on your diet nutrition by knowing what that best weight gaining foods are. This is especially true to those who are skinny and wants to put on some weight. Check out this list of some of the best foods to help you to gain weight and achieve a muscular body.

Brown Rice – Carbohydrates is essential when you want to gain weight, and brown rice is a healthy source of .carbohydrates. This is a kind of a whole grain food that is much healthier compared to the traditional white rice that we are accustomed of. Aside from having carbohydrates and proteins, brown rice also contains lots of vitamins, especially B vitamins as well as iron and magnesium.

Fish Oil – It is a given fact that fish oil is filled with omega 3 essential fatty acids necessary to reduce the inflammation in our body and helps us gain weight in a healthy way. The most common examples of fishes that are considered as good sources of omega 3 are salmon, tuna, mackerel and trout. Therefore, you must include these types of fishes in your diet.

Fruit Juices – Fruit juices are another source of dense carbohydrates and therefore, they are great for anyone who is trying to gain some weight. Make sure to drink fruit juice after every meal, instead of the unhealthy beverages such as soda or cola. Fruit shakes are also highly recommended, for just like the fruit juices, they are also rich in calories and are very helpful in gaining weight healthily

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Healthy Oils – Adding healthy oils into your diet are very effective in gaining weight and building muscles. Some of the most common examples of healthy oils are virgin olive oil as well as the canola oil. These oils contain mono and polyunsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids too.

Nuts – Cashew, peanuts, walnuts and almonds are nuts that are rich in proteins and fibre, as well as healthy fats like polyunsaturated fatty acids. These nuts are also high in calories. Therefore, people who are skinny should get sufficient amount of healthy fats by including nuts into their diet.

Red Meat – Red meat is considered as the number one sources of protein-rich foods. But these types of foods, does not only have proteins in them – they are also filled with essential vitamins and minerals that are helpful to our body. These foods could certainly help skinny people to gain weight fast and increase muscle mass.

Whole Eggs – Protein is one essential nutrient needed to build muscles and the number one source of this nutrient are eggs. And aside from protein, eggs also contain several other important nutrients like Vitamins A, D and E. Because of these nutrients, eggs are considered as one of the best foods to eat when it comes to gaining weight.

Flaxseed – Flaxseed is rich in proteins and contains omega-3 fatty acids. This food is also known to be the number one sources of dietary fibers that are essential for the overall health of the digestive system. Therefore, if you are aspiring to gain weight and build muscles, make sure to include this food into your diet.

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The foods mentioned are just some of the best weight gaining foods that you must include in your diet in order to gain weight. Aside from helping you gain some weight and achieve a muscular built, these foods are also essential for your health. Other foods that are also helpful in gaining weight are oatmeal, bagels, granola, corn, turkey, and many more. Also, keep in mind that complementing your daily meals with protein shakes is important if you want to gain fast progress.

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