The 10 Lies About Fitness and Health You Should Stop Believing

Lie #1: Slimmer people are healthy, overweight people aren’t. Someone’s look is not an accurate indicator of how healthy he or she is. It’s not unusual for a slim person to be a couch potato or a chain smoker or even both. And on the other part of the weight[…]

The 10 Lies About Fitness and Health You Should Stop Believing

6 Bedtime Snacks That Will Help You Burn Fat and Sleep Well

Does it ever happen to you that despite eating a healthy, filling dinner you still experience intense hunger while sleeping? Then you head out to the fridge in a hurry and eat anything you get your hands on just to ease the pain. Many people experience this but nighttime snacking[…]

6 Bedtime Snacks That Will Help You Burn Fat and Sleep Well

Pre-Workout Protein Timing

Taking a protein drink before exercising isn’t new advice and many people follow it, resulting in gains unimaginable by those who don’t take it. There is scientific research that shows that if you can increase your blood amino acid levels before exercising, your blood flow would boost their delivery to[…]

Pre-Workout Protein Timing

8 Fat Burning Tips You Need To Know

Excess weight gain and obesity are global problems of the modern people today. Not only fat burning is a though task by itself, but metabolism decrease and growing older make the fat burning process even harder. When you are trying to burn fat, the more knowledge you have the easier[…]

8 Fat Burning Tips You Need To Know

5 Tips To Speed Up the Process of Losing Weight

When you are trying to lose weight, every little trick that helps you lose fat faster and makes your weight loss journey easier, is welcome. In fact, I’m sure there are some tips in this article that you’ll put into practice right away. If you want to look good and[…]

5 Tips To Speed Up the Process of Losing Weight

5 tips on how to stay lean and shredded year round

As summer approaches, a lot of people will try out lots of things to become shredded as soon as possible to get ready for the beach and get rid of all the excess fat accumulated from excessive bulking, too many cheat meals and missed workouts. However, if you are already[…]

5 tips on how to stay lean and shredded year round

How to keep your estrogen levels under control

Every adult male should be familiar with his estrogen levels. There are many things that depend on them, like his overall health, his appearance, his emotional well-being, his physical and mental capacity as well as his ability to produce offspring. It is safe to say that even his very life[…]

How to keep your estrogen levels under control

7 Summer Shredding Tips For Clean Ripped Physique

It’s common to put on a little weight in the winter and then want to lose it in the summer! Finding a comfortable defined physique in the summer, that is easy to maintain and feel comfortable with is easily reachable with these tips! I know many of you are looking[…]

7 Summer Shredding Tips For Clean Ripped Physique

Once You Go Natural You Never Go Back

Peanut Butter LEFT or RIGHT? ☺💕🥜 once you go natural you never go back😂😍 ⠀ If you have never tried a completely natural peanut butter and usually stick to the branded Skippy or Reese, then why not give natural a try. It’s completely different, but in a good way😍 I[…]

Once You Go Natural You Never Go Back

AT SOURCES: WHY DON’T I EAT OIL? 🤔🥄👇🏼What is the difference between consuming fat in the form of oil OR whole plant based foods. I consume carbs, protein and fats in almost every meal, but I try to get these from whole foods. For example my favourite fat sources are[…]