How Your Body Reacts To Drinking Energy Drinks

How Your Body Reacts To Drinking Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are the craze of the modern life. Many people choose to consume them when they want a quick energy fix in the morning, or when they need staying awake throughout the night.

However, many of us are not aware that just one Energy Drink can significantly increase the risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

So, what happens when you consume Energy Drinks ?

Energy drinks affect your blood making it thicker. Drinking energy drinks could lead to heart problems, the London Times reported. In a small study—30 Australian college students took part—downing even one can of the hypercaffeinated energy drink increased the risk of blot clots. In short, the young energy drink enthusiasts developed a condition that resembled cardiovascular disease.

Yet, on every can of energy drink you’ll find a company statement saying that energy drinks are completely safe and that the effect is no different than that of a cup of coffee or soda. This same effect can be achieved by consuming a cup of coffee with artificial sweeteners. In other words, it’s the combination of caffeine with large amount of sugars that provide you with short bursts of energy.

The only difference is that and other energy drinks contain additional ingredients which effect on the human body is totally unclear. One of these ingredients is aspartame, which is a potent neurotoxin that has metabolic, fetal, allergenic and carcinogenic properties.

Another of the side effects is that energy drinks are somewhat addictive. After the effect has passed, you found your sugar levels plummeted to the lowest low and you soon become consumed with lethargy feeling a craving for another fix of the deadly drink.

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According to the statistics, there is a greater demand for energy drinks throughout the world than for bottled water.

“No less than 3.5 billion cans of Red Bull were sold last year in 143 countries. Yet, questions regarding the safety of Red Bull, as well as other energy drinks, keep cropping up at regular intervals when yet another overzealous energy-addict keels over,” explains Dr Mercola.

Having in mind all the harmful effects energy drinks can have on people’s health, and their increased popularity, some countries have even opted to ban them, so that they can prevent the damage they are causing.

Norway, Denmark and Uruguay are among the countries that have a standing ban against Red Bull. Kuwait on the other hand passed a law making it illegal for children under 16. This came after two member of national squash team died of heart attack. Their deaths were both related to energy drinks.

So, who is at high risk from energy drinks?

We’ve already mentioned that energy drinks make the blood thicker. In this way they harm the function of the blood vessels and increase the risk of blood clotting. That is why Red Bull is explicitly ill advisable for people with cardiovascular diseases. Pregnant women and lactating mothers should also avoid Red Bull.

So how safe it is for you to consume energy drinks?

Not much, even if you’re healthy as an ox. However, you should not consume them in any circumstances if you have any of the following symptoms: anxiety, hypertension, chronic fatigue, stress syndrome, caffeine sensitivity, blood-clotting disorder. Instead, try to boost your energy naturally. You should not find this very complicated.

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Just slightly adjust your diet by adding more omega-3 fatty acids, and eliminate grains and sugar. Also, here is a list of supplements/foods you can take when you’re feeling out of energy. This should have a long lasting effect on your energy levels, instead of the hour-long rush you get from Red Bull. Another crucial thing would be to exercise more regularly and to avoid stress.

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