Healthy Sweet Potato and Cheddar Bites

Healthy Sweet Potato and Cheddar Bites

A delicious, high protein, gluten free savoury pancake recipe! Chock full of hidden vegetables, this wholesome meal is low in calories but not low in flavours!
1 cup gluten free oat flour (wholewheat and plain will also work)
1 cup milk of choice
1 egg or 2 egg whites
1/2 cup loosely baby spinach, chopped finely
1/2 cup cubed sweet potato
1/2 cup grated cauliflower
1/2-3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 tsp each garlic and onion powder, and cayenne pepper
Oil/cooking spray
Sriracha/hot sauce/tabasco to serve
Greek yogurt/sour cream to serve
Salsa to serve

In a large mixing bowl, add the flour, milk and egg (or egg whites) and stir until just combined.
Add the baby spinach, cubed sweet potato, grated cauliflower, shredded cheese and spices and mix until fully incorporated. Coat a frying pan with cooking spray/oil and allow to heat on low until hot. Once hot, add batter 1/4 cup at a time and cover. Once bubbles start to form, flip and cook for a further 2 minutes, or until golden on the outside. Repeat the process until all the batter is cooked. Serve pancakes simply with hot sauce/greek yogurt/hot sauce or simply eat as it is! Note- I tried this recipe out with several cheeses and found full fat cheddar to work best- the taste was not overpowering (like parmesan was) but mellow (unlike mozzarella). These pancakes also keep really well- I ate leftovers the next day cold simply topped with some cream cheese and hot sauce!

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