Eat This Protein-Packed Breakfast to Reduce Inflammation and Your Waistline

Eat This Protein-Packed Breakfast to Reduce Inflammation and Your Waistline

If you are like most of us, you probably eat the same breakfast over and over again and this practice has probably become so boring by now. If this is the case for you, then we have a recipe that will definitely make breakfast interesting again, it will help you lose the extra pounds and reduce inflammation.

You’ll be using familiar ingredients that you frequently use and you can find at any breakfast, but in a new and different way. This breakfast will provide you with all the protein to support muscle growth and fat loss, healthy fats for energy and ingredients that will keep hunger at bay for a longer period of time.


1. AVOCADO – Avocados are rich in fiber, potassium, folic acid, vitamin E and magnesium. All these nutrients are a perfect way to keep the breakfast healthy and simple. The fiber helps the digestion and detoxification of the body. The fiber in avocado promotes regularity which helps eliminate toxins from your colon.

Avocados also contain high percent of healthy fats which keep the LDL cholesterol under control and contribute in hormone balance and production.

2. EGGS – eggs are a fitness superfood. Packed with 7 grams of protein they are perfect as a fat loss food. Not only that, but they also promote health. The vitamin D found in eggs promotes bone health, and prevents osteoporosis. They are also high in A which improves vision, vitamin B2 – improves digestion, vitamin B12 – regulates the production of red blood cells and vitamin E – increases your immunity and is important for skin, brain and eye health.

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Because they have high fat content, eggs are also a great appetite suppressant. They will keep you full for long periods of time.

Mix these two foods together and you you’ve got a filling, nutritious breakfast.

Avocado Baked Eggs


  • 1 avocado
  • 2 eggs
  • You can also add salt, pepper, turmeric or cayenne pepper for taste.


  • preheat oven to 225°C
  • slice the avocado in half and remove the seed
  • Make some room for the eggs in each half of the avocado. Use spoon to dig in the pieces of fruit.
  • crack one egg in each half of avocado and add the spices if you like.
  • Put baking sheet with avocado halves into oven and cook until your eggs are done to your liking

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