Turn the triceps cable pushdown station into a serious triceps mass building machine with the triceps PRESSdown. Regular PUSHdowns, as you all know, are performed by moving the forearms in an arc and emphasizes the lateral (outer) head of the triceps muscle. HOW TO PERFORM AND SPECIAL POINTERS: The[…]

South African Classic Bodybuilding Champion and International competitor, Joe Manjoo gives us some tips on building the X-Frame A note on Joe Manjoo, classic champion of South Africa: From Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal Joe shows a perfect example of a physique built on old-school principles which is thriving in the modern bodybuilding scene, holding its own[…]

WARNING! DON’T GET TRAPPED!! Massive traps is the mark of a bodybuilder but many are overzealous in having it developed without looking at balance in the shoulder musculature. Muscular balance in the shoulder region is as much important as balance between your quads and your calves, for instance. It[…]

FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY The brachioradialis is located at the upper outer region of the forearm and should not be confused with the brachialis, the latter being an upper arm muscle. Perhaps the best bodybuilder to use as anatomy chart to display the brachioradialis is Mr. Olympia Phil Heath who is “gifted”[…]