GUIDE TO PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS FREE FORM AMINO ACIDS These are completely digested proteins and are the simplest form of proteins supplements. Amino Acids do not need to be digested further and are thus rapidly absorbed by the body. They are useful during and after workouts when rapid supply of amino[…]

Creatine and athletic performance There is scientific evidence that short term creatine use can increase maximum power and performance in high-intensity anaerobic repetitive work (mere seconds to 2minutes) by 5 to 15%. This concerns multiple sets of low Reps at Max weightlifting. Single effort work shows an increase of 1[…]

GUIDE TO PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS FREE FORM AMINO ACIDS These are completely digested proteins and are the simplest form of proteins supplements. Amino Acids do not need to be digested further and are thus rapidly absorbed by the body. They are useful during and after workouts when rapid supply of amino[…]

CALCIUM AND CREATINE ABSORPTION Two steps in creatine absorption are of particular significance. Absorption at the level of the intestines and absorption at the level of muscle cells. At the intestinal level I have not seen any data to show that either elemental Calcium or Calcium provided from foods (whey,[…]