Amazing Carrot Cake

Amazing Carrot Cake

It’s raw, vegan, and gluten free!! 60g each of pecans and walnuts
30g pistachios
15 medjool dates, pitted
2 carrots, grated
40g desiccated coconut
1 teaspoon vanilla powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon nutmeg
½ teaspoon ginger
For the frosting:
1 cup cashews, soaked for 2+ hours
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 can coconut cream, refrigerated for at least 12 hours
1 tablespoon coconut sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla powder
1 teaspoon matcha powder
Pulse your nuts in a food processor until they break down into pieces. Add your remaining ingredients and pulse again. Line two round 10-15cm tins with clingfilm and divide your “batter” evenly. Place in the fridge while you make your cream. Scoop out the hardened cream from the can into a food processor or blender with the rest of the ingredients, except for the matcha. Blend until smooth and creamy. Take out ⅔ of the mixture and place in the fridge. Add in your matcha powder to the remaining ⅓ and blend. To assemble, top one came with the green matcha cream. Place in the freezer until it hardens, about 30min. Gently remove both cakes from the tins and stack your cakes and use the white cream as frosting. Place in the fridge and let set for 1 hour.

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