Top Supplements you Need to be using

Top Supplements you Need to be using

Although an optimal physique can be created through proper eating, adequate sleep, and exercise…using some supplementation to help you get to the next level of performance can speed up your progress. Here is a list of some of the best workout supplements available and why you should be taking them: Top Supplements you Need to be using

1. Pre-workout

This will give you the proper mental focus and clarity needed to prepare for a training session. If taking pre-workout as directed, these supplements will give you the extra energy to push through a few more reps. Consider taking this supplement if you workout after a long day of work or school and need an extra boost.

2. Glutamine

Glutamine plays a key role in helping protein be properly converted into energy. It also increases your ability to produce Human Growth Hormone, which helps get rid of body fat, supports new muscle growth and prevents the breakdown of your muscles. This is very useful for people ‘cutting down’. Especially during summer when you’re trying to get rid of some body fat without losing any muscle

3. Coffee

Unlike pre-workouts coffee is completely natural and is one ingredient compared other stimulants with caffeine. It will not only give you a significant kick to get your blood flowing prior to a workout but you will put your body in an efficient metabolizing state to burn fat. Try drinking a cup of black coffee 30 minutes prior to training.

4. Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine has been a useful bodybuilding supplement for decades and is the most scientifically studied workout enhancer. It is naturally produced by the body, where it is stored to provide energy and strength during intense exercise. Creatine supplementation (usually 5-15 grams daily) will allow you additional reps in the gym increasing in overall muscle mass and strength. No loading is required, simply take as directed.

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5. Whey Protein Isolate

Since it can be rather difficult to get all your daily protein from food alone, supplementation will be important. Though there are various forms of whey protein on the market, Whey Protein Isolate is the purest form and it contains a larger amount of pure protein than other whey products. Protein is extremely important when attempting to build muscle and strength. Without adequate protein, usually 0.75-1 gram per body weight, you will not see significant gains in the gym.

6. Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA)

BCAAs are made up of the amino acids L-Valine, L-Leucine, and L-Isoleucine respectively. BCAAs are found naturally in foods such as red meat and dairy products. They are necessary for promoting the healing of wounds and, during exercise, they are known for preventing the breakdown of muscle tissue. Essentially they decrease the speed at which proteins break down while at the same time promoting their formation, which helps build muscle.

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